Dr. Simon Food


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These capsules contain a fungus called Tremella fuciformis , which has the ability to regenerate your skin from its deepest layers, making you look younger.

Tremella fuciformis prevents the damage caused by sunlight to your skin, thanks to a polysaccharide it contains that can block the oxidative stress caused when UVA rays hit your skin.

This polysaccharide exhibits powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects. It is highly beneficial for people who enjoy sun exposure and want to maintain a tan on their skin. The health and youth of our skin is determined by a cell called fibroblasts, which are highly vulnerable to damage caused by free radicals. These cells are responsible for producing collagen and hyaluronic acid, preventing the formation of wrinkles.

Consuming Tremella helps prevent fibroblast damage and death. Its high regenerative power can help restore and rejuvenate various tissues. In recent years, it has gained popularity for its ability to restore the intestinal epithelium and is used as an ally in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. If you are someone who enjoys having radiant and youthful looking skin, then these capsules are for you.