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Many of us know its nutritional value as an excellent source of protein and fiber. But what few of us know is that it has substances with high medicinal power called avenanthramides, which have very powerful anti-inflammatory properties that also give it a special ability to combat the formation of fatty plaques in our arteries responsible for heart attacks (anti-atherosclerosis). Today I want to show you how to use them in a useful ointment to treat skin lesions due to dermatitis or psoriasis. Ingredients: Whole oats Sodium bicarbonate In the video you will find the procedure: RELATED RESEARCH WORKS:...

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Every five seconds approximately one person in the world is diagnosed with this disease. Every day researchers work to combat it and find an answer to prevent it, however, we still have not advanced enough in traditional medicine. The wise nature has a natural medicine that can help us combat the ravages that this disease causes at the brain level: it is coconut oil.  More than 60% of coconut oil is made up of medium chain triglycerides, which are metabolized in our body to form ketone bodies used as alternative fuel for our brain when there is not enough glucose...

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It is an herb with excellent medicinal properties to help treat urinary tract problems, such as urethritis or cystitis, kidney stones, it also helps with digestive problems and to regulate menstruation.  PREPARATION: We can prepare it in the form of tea using 1 cup of water and 1/4 cup of fresh parsley leaves, bring the water to a boil and then add the parsley and let it rest for 7 minutes. You can take three infusions of this tea a day for three days. CAUTION: avoid use in pregnant patients, as well as patients with very low blood pressure figures.

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